Monday, 3 March 2008


Hi people

Today's blog is really to highlight to the European Court of Human Right's some of my latest video's. The URL's shortly to be added. They deal with questions regarding the BBC and Mr. Richard Evans, I really ought to add the previous host of BBC Radio Wales phone in Nicola Hayward Thomas as also being culpable in the Criminal Negligence of Crazydave by the Welsh Assembly government as she had letter's n emails from me before she switched shows. and

Then there are ones of me, out and inside South Wales Central Police Station in Cardiff, with the copies of the Judge Hickinbottom, Rodney Berman and Jonathan Morgan blogs where I defame them as Vulnerable Adult Abuser's and finding out that Chief Super Bob Evans doesn't work there any more. If the IPCC had been doing what it is handsomely paid to do then I would not have had to create this video. So are we likely to see National News paper banner headlines with South Wales Police Sued for Culpablility in Criminal Negligence, lets all pray that it is so. and

I see noone has contacted the rspca over the starving cats, not my AM or MP so I have still been feeding them and SB still needs its eye attending to. So today I have left a garbled message on the Cats Protection League phone line. Hoping that they can help these animals with food and a home where they are cared for.

Then there is the new rent increase and the pro-rata charge for the whole house if they had not let that scum bag buy it, of £127.64 per week. I claim that the council are fiddling the Benefit system with this charge so far the benefit fraud people have ignored that complaint, one wonders why. The Rateable Value of this property is a scam, and it is a conflict of interest that the council are the ones to decide what it is. It in no way reflects the infringement to peaceful enjoyment, and sub-division of the property is just an excuse for them to rob tenants or the social securtiy blind, much like housing associations and private landlords. The Media don't like to admit that it is really these professionals that are the greatest benefactors of the housing benefit system, not the claimant. Because they have an adgenda of hatred towards those they have very little understanding or compassion for, who are just cash cows for this professional elite.

Why hasn't the benefit fraud deptarment wished to deal with this rent issue, well someone will have to ask them!!!

I hope that soon Cardiff County Council will be in the dock answering some very awkward questions regarding all of this and the nuisance neighbours and their housing officers performance.

All the best people, in this instance means a police service that actually holds government to account for their white collar crimes.

Love n Light Crazydave.


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